June 28, 2019

What is the adversity score? The adversity score is designed to help the underprivileged with fifteen factors that are considered for the “adversity score” to ...

June 14, 2019

We’ve all heard the news accounts of the illegal ways that rich parents try to beat the standardized test scores with high payouts and behind ...

August 24, 2018

Little known scholarships are available even for trade schools – or colleges. 85% of scholarships are based on test scores. ...

August 10, 2018

College scholarships can help children get a head start in life. Most people don’t have money saved for college, and this way with scholarships you ...

July 20, 2018

Is college worthwhile? If you have to spend 20 years paying off a college debt? The crushing burden for debt cripples a student’s dreams for ...

July 6, 2018

Lookout SAT/ACT, there's a new test in town. The CLT Standardized Test is a new test that is taking on the SAT and ACT Tests.  ...