F.R.E.E. Degree Tool FAQs
The College Prep Genius has worked for years to compile this list of scholarships. We are committed to keeping it updated with the most recent information.
Our tools is simply a tool. There are not tricks or ulterior motives. College Prep Genius does not sell your information to third parties. And while our scholarship search tool is in a beta stage now, there are still thousands of scholarships to choose from and each tool will work together to make preparing for financial freedom, post-college, more achievable.
The FREE Degree Tool is an annual membership. Users will be able to renew their memberships for $199 following their initial year if they renew within 30 days of expiration.
The College Prep Genius FREE Degree Tool is proprietary to College Prep Genius. We are not affiliated with any other program or services. Our member/subscriber information will not be shared or sold to any third party.
College Prep Genius does not offer refunds on any live classes. College Prep Genius will refund eCourse purchases and FREE Degree Tool purchases within 30 days of purchase.
While we try to do everything in our power to prevent technical issues, sometimes these things can not be helped. Should you or your student experience a technical issue, please contact support via email or live chat. Support hours are M-F/9am to 4pm CST.
Jean Burk is the author of the award-winning College Prep Genius program and has written numerous articles about the SAT/ACT/CLT and PSAT tests, high school prep, college prep, and how to get free college. She is a Fox News Contributor and has been featured as an SAT and Educational expert on ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, TXA21, CW33, WE, Forbes, UShop TV and The Homeschool Channel. She homeschooled both her children and they each earned free college and incredible scholarships because of their PSAT and SAT/ACT/CLT scores. Some of the benefits included full tuition, room and board, unlimited laundry and lunchroom passes, study abroad stipends, etc. Her son also earned free law school and her daughter earned free grad school.
She currently travels and speaks about the importance of college preparation at conventions, book fairs, schools, libraries, etc. She has taught her revolutionary, award-winning “Master the SAT/ACT/CLT” Prep Class all over the United States, mainland China, India, Hong Kong and Thailand.