Day 1: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 @ 7pm CST
FAFSA Secrets - Most People Don't Know
There are 150 billion dollars of available financial aid annually through the FAFSA. Yet, 80% of families will miss out on funding due to making one or more of the 21 key mistakes when filing. Learn who should file, when is the perfect time and how to avoid common errors. Discover the secret formula that colleges use to determine need and how you can legally use “loopholes” to get more money. You can become confident that you are in the best position possible for your economic situation.
Day 2: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 @ 7pm CST
Ace Practically Any Standardized Test
Test-taking is a skill like playing golf or piano. Most standardized tests are created for a mass “audience”; the questions are like a puzzle with one objective, indisputable correct answer and several distractors. You can learn to adopt a clear, logical approach to answering questions quickly by utilizing your critical thinking skills. Discover how to find the recurring patterns and rules that are duplicated on every test. Become a trained test-taker and learn to beat tests like the SAT, ACT, PSAT, CLT, GRE, LSAT…
Day 3: Thursday, November 19, 2020 @ 7pm CST
How to Write a Standout College Essay
Admission is often won by the essay—not the applicant! There are times when the essay becomes the differentiator between acceptance and rejection! A bad or poorly written essay will have a negative impact on your application. Learn the 11 “S”s to a distinguished, eye-popping and memorable paper that will leave the reader wanting more.
Day 4: Friday, November 20, 2020 @ 2pm CST
Ace the SAT Mini Course
Scholarship money is tied directly to a student’s SAT or ACT score. 85% of colleges will admit and give money solely based on a test score. Unfortunately, most students, even smart ones, bomb standardized tests because the questions are purposely misleading, and the wrong answers are tricky and easy to pick. This seminar will teach you how to answer questions in 30 seconds or less and will jump start your excitement and confidence on how to beat these tests!