Did you get the correct answer?


The answer is 


If you got that right, you're probably think logically.  But does your student think logically?  Can you teach them how to think this way naturally?

See video explanation.

College Prep Genius will teach your student how to think logically, not just reteach high school.

Watch and learn how to answer this Q in 30 seconds or less.

Learn More

why college prep genius?

Our award-winning strategies are proven, helping

thousands of students earn scholarships.

Shortcuts & Recurring


Standardized tests like the SAT, PSAT, ACT and CLT are reasoning tests.  College Prep Genius teaches students how to identify recurring patterns and use shortcuts to solve problems in 30 seconds or less.

Flexible Learning


Choose a live course class from our schedule or pre-recorded eCourse lessons. Both teach our award-winning strategies.  Live classes are able to interact with a certified instructor, while the eCourses are self-paced.

1-Year Program


Each program gives you the flexibility to pace test prep.  Whether you purchase the eCourse or choose a live class, you will receive 1-year access to work through the strategies and learn how to beat this test.  Renewal is only $59**.

Social proof

What are people saying?

Questions answered about the SAT

Reasons why students, even smart ones, bomb the SAT/ACT?



With about a minute to answer each question, students tend to waste time trying to work problems out the long way or read entire passages.

College Prep Genius has tons of tips, tricks and shortcuts to help students see the recurring patterns, eliminate wrong answers, choose the right answers...and do it in 30 seconds or less!

Wrong Prep


Test like the SAT, PSAT, ACT and CLT are reasoning tests.  You can not study for these test, but study the test itself!

Programs that simply reteach high school are wasting your time and money. We've had 7th graders score better than high schoolers after learning our proven strategies and shortcuts.

Starts Prepping

Too Late

Learning the strategies needed to beat this test takes time.  No one said it's going to be easy.  Giving yourself a couple of weeks to prepare for the SAT, PSAT, ACT or CLT does not set you up for success.

Adequate time is needed to learn how to properly apply the necessary strategies that can help you beat this test.

program options

How we teach

Live Virtual Classes

  • Choose from our 3-Day Live, Interactive Virtual Boot Camp or our 8-week Sessions
  • Led by a certified, professional College Prep Genius Instructor
  • Parent dashboard w/individual student progress monitoring (additional students can be purchased for an additional cost)
  • Class Materials include,College Prep Genius Workbook, Daily Homework Guide, SAT/ACT Essay Templates PDF  Download, Journal For Success, Score Tracker, Interactive Quiz Questions
  • Complete Webinar Library

Self-Paced Course

  • 1-year membership to our award-winning self-paced course 
  • 12 Video Lessons
  • 300+ plus interactive quiz questions 
  • Over 200 proven, award-winning strategies, shortcuts, tips and tricks.
  • Parent dashboard w/individual student progress monitoring (additional students can be purchased for an additional cost)
  • Course Materials include College Prep Genius Workbook (hardcopy), Class Notes Outline, Journal For Success, Daily Homework Guide, SAT Essay Templates PDF Download, Score Tracker

The competition

How we stack up

College Prep Genius


Princeton Review

Khan Academy

Prep Scholar

Average Test Score Increase


No average given

150 - 240

115 points

(from PSAT to SAT)

251 points

Length of Instruction

11+ hours

40+ hours

18+ hours

20+ hours

40 hours

Uses real test questions


After-program support

Different learning options

In-person Classes,

Live Virtual Classes,

Pre-recorded Video Lessons

In-person Classes,

Live Virtual Classes,

Pre-recorded Video Lessons

In-person Classes,

Live Virtual Classes,

Pre-recorded Video Lessons

Pre-recorded Video Lessons

Live Virtual Classes,

Pre-recorded Video Lessons

Set Up Classes in your area

Works on SAT/PSAT and ACT


Money Back Guarantee

eCourses only within 30 days of purchase. No questions asked.

Based on previous score and meeting specific Kaplan requirements.

Based on previous score and meeting specific Princeton Review requirements.


Based on specific Prep Scholar requirements.

Cost for Program

$189 - $395

$675 - $2599+

$899 - $1199


$397 - $995

Jean Burk

Founder and Creator

Jean Burk is the author of the award-winning College Prep Genius program and has written numerous articles about the SAT ,ACT and PSAT tests, high school prep, college prep, and how to get free college. She is a Fox News Contributor and has been featured as an SAT and Educational expert on ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, TXA21, CW33, WE, Forbes, UShop TV and The Homeschool Channel. She homeschooled both her children and they each earned free college and incredible scholarships because of their PSAT and SAT/ACT scores. Some of the benefits included full tuition, room and board, unlimited laundry and lunchroom passes, study abroad stipends, etc. Her son also earned free law school and her daughter earned free grad school.

She currently travels and speaks about the importance of college preparation at conventions, book fairs, schools, libraries, etc. She has taught her revolutionary, award-winning “Master the SAT/ACT” Prep Class all over the United States, mainland China, India, Hong Kong and Thailand. Her program is now also online at www.collegeprepgenius.com .

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