Webinar Series | Recorded  Video  Seminars

A college prep webinar series for

students seeking scholarships.

Learn the secrets needed to enter, attend and graduate from college with little to zero debt.

Webinar #1

Free College At Your Fingertips

Webinar #2

SAT vs ACT - The Real Truth 

Webinar #3

Ace the SAT/ACT

Webinar #4

Best Kept Secret- The PSAT

Webinar #5

Lookout for the New CLT

Webinar #6

Secrets to Scholarships

Free College Prep Webinar Series

Webinar #1
Free College At Your Fingertips

Learn different ways to get free college and scholarships.

Are you ready to make $500 an hour? Although it sounds too good to be true, it’s possible to earn this much in scholarships for college. Author, Jean Burk, will teach you two important concepts: 1. How to get into the college of your choice, and 2. How to find scholarships to pay for it. You will learn methods of receiving substantial scholarships that go beyond tuition and may include room and board, graduate school, and money to study abroad! Unlock the keys to finding free college at your fingertips! 

Webinar #2
SAT vs ACT - The Real Truth

They are more alike than you think, or have been told.

Which one is better? We've got you covered- no problem! Learn all about the crossover, what colleges take what, and how no matter which test you take, it is accepted nationwide! Find out the recent subtle changes to the ACT and why many of their writers now write for the SAT.  Be amazed at how these tests are beatable and there is a crossover of information that works on both.  Most importantly, discover why high ACT and SAT scores can yield amazing scholarships!

Webinar #3
How to Ace the SAT/ACT

Discover how these learnable tests and how every questions can be answered in 30 seconds or less.

Test-prep Guru, Jean Burk, will share her secrets of SAT and ACT success that have helped tens of thousands of students raise their test scores as much as 700 points on the SAT and 9 points on the ACT! Learn how to find shortcuts in test patterns and save time on all types of questions. Math, Writing, Reading and the Essay are all covered in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you have kids in high school, you can’t miss this seminar about preparing them for the SAT (and ACT)! 

Webinar #4
The Best Kept Secret to Free College - The PSAT

Parents and teens will learn about amazing scholarships from this misunderstood test.

Imagine throwing away seven trash bags full of college offers! It happened to Jean Burk's family and it could happen to yours. How? The PSAT. Contrary to popular belief, the "P" does not stand for practice. Actually, the PSAT is a scholarship-qualifying test, and it can write you a ticket to just about any college if you score high. Discover the three little-known secrets about the PSAT and 11 steps to success! Learn how to get colleges begging you to enroll and pick up the tab at the same time.

Webinar #5
Lookout SAT and ACT, There's a New Test in Town. The CLT

This alternative test is a new standard and giving the big guys a run for the their money.

College entrance tests are here to stay, but students now have a new option that doesn’t include the dreaded SAT or ACT. The Classic Learning Test (CLT) is quickly being adopted for entrance and scholarships by colleges across the nation. Families will love this test because they will find that the test’s content isn’t at odds with their core beliefs. The exam’s approach represents traditional values that families adhere to, by reconnecting intellectual pursuit and virtue. Learn insider information about the CLT, from the only test prep company they recommend and partner with, College Prep Genius!

Webinar #6
Secrets to the Scholarship Search

Learn the keys to easily finding and receiving college scholarships

There are 24 billion dollars’ worth of scholarships available each year. Learn how to find money from the cradle to cap-n-gown. Discover those search keywords for little-known scholarships and find out the key that the library holds to unknown money. No matter how old your child is, you can’t miss out on the money that is available NOW! 

Jean Burk | Creator and Founder

College Prep Genius

SAT/ACT Instructor, Jean Burk, is a homeschooling mother and creator of the revolutionary College Prep Genius curriculum which has helped thousands of high school students prepare for the SAT, ACT & PSAT/NMSQT. Her expertise has been featured on FOX as a news contributor, CBS, NBC, TXA21, and The Homeschool Channel. She also serves as a frequent contributor to newspapers, magazines, educational resources, and online publications. Jean currently travels across the United States and abroad teaching students how to improve their standardized test scores and speaking to parents about how to get college for FREE!

As a single income family, Jean Burk and her husband did not have the financial resources to send their children to college. When Jean discovered the SAT & PSAT were the keys to getting huge scholarships, she began to research the test to understand how to prepare her children for it. She discovered that these tests could be taught! They weren’t IQ tests, but rather critical thinking exams. After both her children received full scholarships, Jean began teaching these secrets to other homeschooling, public school, and private school students alike. Her program College Prep Genius is the culmination of more than a decade of research, classroom experience and SAT/ACT expertise and extends worldwide.

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